Monday, June 16, 2008

Transparency and reporting

I have been super busy wrapping up the end of school but really wanted to follow up on my last blog entry. While doing a GHG inventory is the first step towards climate and emissions sustainability, the obvious question is what's next for the business owner?

As a reminder, at one level, the process looks like this:
  1. Measure your GHG emissions (conduct a footprint analysis)
  2. Take steps to reduce your GHG emissions
  3. Purchase carbon credits to offset the remainder

While that is a high level overview, their is another equally important aspect of this process: Reporting and transparency.

As we move towards sustainability, transparency is vital to the success of the journey and reporting is part of this effort. By reporting your results, you build trust and credibility with your stakeholders and you allow yourself to be benchmarked for comparison.

Just as a public company reports financial results, the information gleaned from a triple-bottom line reporting needs to be communicated to help stakeholders make decisions.

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