That is David Korten's message and you can read his short essay over at Yes! magazine. (That's a picture of the Wall Street bull as seen from the backside in case you are wondering.)
I've also been reading Dr. Riane Eisler's (The Chalice and The Blade, The Real Wealth of Nations, et al) recommendations about investing in a new "Caring Economy." According to her,
"we should create and subsidize more jobs in childcare, education, healthcare, eldercare, and other “caring industries” through the Job-Creation and Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Plan. This will quickly stimulate our economy, help families, radically reduce poverty and violence, reward women’s economic contributions, save billions in crime and prisons -- and is an essential investment in the “high quality human capital” needed for our post-industrial economy."
You can read Riane's Roadmap here.
I read The Real Wealth of Nations a few summers ago and highly recommend it. In case you aren't familiar with Dr. Eisler, here is a little bit about her background and credentials from her website.
"Her newest book, The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics – hailed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu as “a template for the better world we have been so urgently seeking,” by Peter Senge as “desperately needed,” by Gloria Steinem as “revolutionary,” and by Jane Goodall as “a call for action” – proposes a new approach to economics that gives visibility and value to the most essential human work: the work of caring for people and planet.
Dr. Eisler is the only woman among 20 great thinkers including Hegel, Adam Smith, Marx, and Toynbee selected for inclusion in Macrohistory and Macrohistorians in recognition of the lasting importance of her work as a cultural historian and evolutionary theorist. She has received many honors, including honorary Ph.D. degrees, and is included in the award-winning book Great Peacemakers, as one of 20 leaders for world peace, along with Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King."
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