David Korten will be on KBOO Monday morning at 8am PST. David Korten’s most recent book is Agenda for a New Economy, which I highly, highly recommend. KBOO is a community radio station in Portland located at 90.7fm on the FM dial. You can also find them here.
David Korten will be in Portland, Saturday, May 30th at the First Baptist Church (12th and SW Taylor) starting with a 5pm celebration and a 7pm lecture. More information is here.
Congratulations to my friend Joel Garbon, and his co-author Jeane Manning, for winning the Silver Award by the Independent Publishers in the category “Most Likely to Save the Planet.” Their book is entitled “Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World” which you can learn more about here.
Finally, I’ve been invited to join the BGI faculty next year to teach accounting and finance. I’m honored and excited at this opportunity and look forward to helping the incoming graduate students learn the language of business.
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